What is ADHD? And How can Testing Help?

ADHD Evaluation

If you or your child are exhibiting signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it's important to seek evaluation from a qualified professional. ADHD is highly treatable. At Filizetti Psychological Services in San Diego, our team offers ADHD testing and ADHD therapy for adults, adolescents, and preadolescents. Here, we'll explore the basics of ADHD and discuss what you can expect during the testing process. 

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a developmental brain disorder that can change the way people pay attention, focus, and control their behavior. The symptoms of ADHD can vary widely from one person to the next. 

The most common symptoms of ADHD in both adults and children include: 

  • Inattention: Difficulty staying focused, organized, or on task at work, at school, and/or at home
  • Hyperactivity: Struggling to sit still or fall asleep, a strong urge to tap, talk, move around, or fidget
  • Impulsivity: Acting without thinking, struggling with self-control, or getting angry when an effort is not met with an immediate reward

There are many treatments, including therapy and medication, that can help you control ADHD symptoms. 

What Happens During the ADHD Testing Process?

The first step toward ADHD treatment is undergoing a psychological evaluation to help your care provider understand your strengths and challenges.  While ADHD symptoms are often recognized during childhood (more often for boys), many people who have the condition are not diagnosed until adulthood. 

A single test does not show whether you have ADHD. During your psychological evaluation, you'll complete tests that help us understand your personality, attention span, executive functioning, and cognitive abilities. We'll use this data as a part of the many factors—including your self-reported symptoms—that help us determine whether you qualify for an ADHD diagnosis. Some parts of the evaluation may be done online.

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Do You Provide Psychological Evaluation for Adults?

Yes, our practice provides psychological evaluations for adults, teens, adolescents, and preadolescents. If you're interested in ADHD testing for your child, please reach out to us so that we can set them up with a provider who offers evaluations for their age group.

Filizetti Psychological Services: Your San Diego Home for ADHD Therapy and ADHD Testing

If you are concerned that you or your child are showing signs of ADHD, our team is here to help. We'd love to talk with you about your symptoms and explore the wide range of treatment options currently available. Reach out to Filizetti Psychological Services in San Diego today at 619-940-7774 to learn more about our practice and schedule your first appointment.


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